2020.0403 Today’s Thoughts

I am perfect just the way I am. I struggle sometimes with attitude, and have to correct my outlook every day. I see the absolute horror and devastation the world is faced with, and see the incredible sadness, but I also see the kindness and sacrifices of so many in each part of our world. I am in awe of their dedication and commitment to saving lives. We all must take our part - a kind or encouraging word or thought to your partner/loved one, your friend or your colleague.

Experience gratefulness each day, by choosing AT LEAST one thing to be thankful for. I'm especially thankful for my family and my FB friends that keep me charged and feel rooted each and every day. I'm thankful I can work from home, along with Ray Adams, and look out our office windows, experiencing nature along with today's rain. Seeing buds on the trees, squirrels racing after one another to get the best stash, birds sitting on the branches, and the purple crocus popping up is exhilarating.

If you struggle with keeping positive during this difficult time, or just want to talk, please don't hesitate to contact me or jot something down on this post.